Thursday, 2 April 2009

Day 21 - Wednesday 1st April 2009

Mummy! Auntie Sarah has dyed my hair pink!

Hahaha. April Fool!

We all had a very quiet day today because we did not have any busy things to do. All the people stayed in their pyjamas until the afternoon when the big kids got dressed and went to the swimming pool. Me and Uncle Bran got to go in the car with Auntie Sarah when she took the big kids to the swimming pool and then she took us to the park for a walk.

I played with some other doggies today. There were some big dogs like Uncle Bran but one was black and one was yellow. Uncle Bran played "fetch the ball" with the black doggy but the yellow doggy kept running away from his daddy! I am not that naughty. I am a very good boy and stayed by Auntie Sarah. We also played with some doggies who were very very GIGANTIC and very very HAIRY. They looked like this doggy:

One was the same colour as that doggy and one was black. The black doggy made Uncle Bran cry when he grabbed at him so when he came by me, I rolled straight on to my back and he left me alone. But when he walked away with his daddy, me and Uncle Bran did run after him and barkbarkbarkbarked at him! They were scary big dogs but I was a very brave boy.

When we got back to the house, me and Uncle Bran were very tired and so we went to sleep on the sofa. I am such a big boy now that I hardly struggle at all with getting up on the sofa and can almost just jump up like Uncle Bran does. And I am such a big boy that when I want to get off the sofa, I can just step down carefully instead of doing roly-polys all across the floor! Look at me and Uncle Bran on the sofa - he doesn't look very comfy does he?

Auntie Sarah says that we are going to have an exciting day tomorrow but I don't know what is happening!

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