Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Day 6 - 17th March 2009

Mummmmmmeeeeee!!! I've got a badddddddeeeeee  :o(

Auntie Sarah told me not to mess with the Big Dogs, but I didn't listen because I just wanted to playplayplayplay  :o(  And now I have a baddy eye. Auntie Sarah said that I look just like Chester.

It hurrrrrrrrrrrrt and there was blood and guts and bits of bone and my eye fell out and everything!! (Auntie Sarah note: there was a little bit of blood.) I did scream and scream and scream. Did you hear me on your holidays? Auntie Sarah that she thought that you might. I had to have a great big cuddle on Auntie Sarah's lap until I felt well enough to bite her fingers and then went to snuggle on the sofa all by myself  :o(

I did bark and growl at those norty Big Dogs but Auntie Sarah told me off for being a silly boy.

Then I got my breakfast so I was all better  :oD

I was going to have a nice little nap after my breakfast, as usual, but I went in the travelly house and had to go in the car with Jacob and Sophie. Jacob and Sophie got out at Nanny's house and Nanny came to make a big fuss of me and tell me what a brave boy I was. 

Then me and Auntie Sarah went to a place that had cats and dogs and nice ladies with treats in it. The lady behind the desk kept cooing and telling me what a beautiful boy I was even with my baddy eye and then she gave me treats. I sat nicely on Auntie Sarah's lap, but then a Very Big Dog came out of a door and I did growl and growl and growl at him. The man with the Very Big Dog and the Treat Lady laughed at me and called me "cute" but Auntie Sarah's face went very red and she told me to stop being silly again.

A nice smiley lady came out and called my name! I didn't know her but she knew me!! Wasn't she clever?? We followed the lady through the door where the Very Big Dog had come from and I had to sit down on a big table. She had a look at my eye and it did hurt so I cried and cried. So she gave me treats! And then she put something in my eye and it stopped hurting. And then she gave me some more treats! It was funny because she did not say anything about having to put my eye back in or mend the bits of bone that were sticking out of my face. She did put me on a little table thing with numbers and said "Phew! You're a big boy" (Auntie Sarah note: Orca got weighed and at 9 weeks and 5 days he weighed in at 7.5kgs!). And then she stabbed me, Mummy!! She stuck something sharp in me and it did hurt and itch all at the same time so I went scratchscratchscratchscratch at it. And she gave me more treats. 

And then we went back to Auntie Sarah's house and I was veryveryvery sleepy so I went into my crate for a nap.  

It's alright, Mummy. I am being a very big and brave boy and I am not hurting any more now. I have done some more playing with Uncle Bran and have not chewed up anything norty, just moved a few shoes round (they look much better in the kitchen and lounge rather than under the stairs!). I did also hear you telling Auntie Sarah that I am not allowed to bark and growl at other dogs so I promise to try and be a good boy now, Mummy xxx

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