I've had a brilliant day! First of all I had a REALLY BIG sleep last night and Auntie Sarah had a lie in this morning. She didn't seem very happy about it though and ran round the house making shouty noises about not setting an alarm. We Big Dogs had our breakfast but again I got whisked into the travelly house instead of having my nap! I don't know what's happening with my nap times at the moment. I'm a growing boy and I need my sleep!!
So anyway, we went in the car again and went to the place with the cats and dogs and Treat Lady. And guess what, Mummy? I sat on Auntie Sarah's lap next to a Big Dog and I remembered that I had to be good so I kissed his nose and waggled my tail at him. I was not brave enough to say hello to the 2 VERY VERY VERY BIG DOGS sat on the other side of me though. They were huge! They were nearly as big as our horses!!
The nice smiley lady came out and called my name again and I went in and sat on the table again and she gave me more treats. She had a look at my eye again and said that it looked much better and that I could go back and see her again next week. I think she wants to see me again because she loves me so much. She kept telling me how gorgeous and cute and lovely and soft I was and stroking my fur and giving me treats and then she tried to sneak me under her coat! Auntie Sarah laughed and said she'd be sending me back in no time. People are silly sometimes, Mummy.
After we said goodbye to the smiley lady, I went back in the travelly house and I went somewhere else new! We went to Nanny's house!!! It was brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrilliant!! She had all this soft green stuff in her garden - not like in our garden but like the stuff behind the fence in Auntie Sarah's garden that I like eating. I haven't played on it before though. I rolled and rolled and rolled in it and I rubbed my head and my ears and I chewed on it and it was yummy! Nanny and Auntie Sarah laughed at me and then took me into the house. I ran round and round and sniffed and sniffed at everything and then we went outside of the house. Nanny and Auntie Sarah sat and watched me go a-hunting and I found so many cool things, Mummy!! There was a big red plastic toy (a bottle top) and a big white crinkly tunnel (a carrier bag) and a big yellow squidgy toy (a car sponge)....

And Nanny has puppies at her house and they are the same colour as me and they all have baddy eyes too! I saw them in her kitchen and in her hallway and when I barked at them, they barked back at me! I asked them if they wanted to play, but they wouldn't chase me :o( (This may have been because they were reflections in the patio door and mirror!)
Nanny said that she needed to do some gardening so I decided to be Very Helpful Orca and climbed up on to the wall - which was just the right height for me to practise my climbing on - and I started cutting back the plants for her. I did try climbing into a great big pot and help with that plant but she came and lifted me out.

And then we went home and I had my lunch and - at last! - a sleep.
After my sleep, we all went out to play in the garden. Jacob came out and brought out his guitar and played lots of music. Sophie brought out some FAB toys that made Auntie Flora go a bit bonkers! There was a toy that she put round her foot and she skipped over and over it and Auntie Flora kept trying to grab it off of her foot! I don't think she was hurting though because Sophie laughed and laughed and laughed. Auntie Flora did bark at the toy and then Uncle Bran did bark at the toy so I did bark at the toy too. Perhaps they were trying to save Sophie's foot from the toy. Eventually, the toy did stop going round and round Sophie's foot and disappeared (into the bin - thanks Flora!).

Just after the toy disappeared, I spotted the wild Mango beastie being all wild...

Then Sophie did get out a very cool looking thing which was shiny and silver and had wheels on it and she stood on it and whizzed up and down the garden and me and Auntie Flora and Uncle Bran did chase her and bark at her and get in her way and told her to "go faster go faster" and "slow down slow down". It was very exciting and we all got very hot and tired!
Auntie Sarah brought out something else for us to play with then. It was a box with water and a ball and a toy in it. We were all hot dogs so we had a big drink and then we tried to get the toys out of the water. I was the champion ball getter-outter!!

I am having a great holiday, Mummy, and I hope that you are too. I miss you. I love you.
Orca xxxxx

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