Auntie Sarah was not telling fibbers, Mummy! Today was the most exciting day EVER!!
We went for a very long drive in the car again and when we got out there were lots and lots of new smells and new people and new dogs!
Just look at me sitting in the back of the car like a very big boy waiting for Auntie Sarah to let us out!

There was a very lovely lady called Cheryl and she had a very pretty little girl with her who was called Georgia. They had their 3 dogs with them: Lizzie is a pretty white and brown exciting runaround dog; Ella is a very hairy grey dog that really likes the water and Henryno..... well he is just fab, Mummy! He is smaller than me and he is white and black and brown and he can barkbarkbark even louder than me! I gave him lots of kisses so that he knew that he was my new bestest friend.
I had a brilliant time! Uncle Bran did lots of running around with the big dogs, but I stayed near to Auntie Sarah and Sophie so that I did not get lost. There were soooooooo many exciting things to sniff and see! There were molehills and feathers and great big birds and little squawky birds and lots of water and little people and big people and little dogs and big dogs and sticks and flowers and and and.......... Auntie Sarah took lots and lots of photos so I will just show them to you so that you can see what a great time I had!

While I was out having lots of fun today, Auntie Sarah noticed that my growed up fur is starting to come through. My puppy fur is still very soft and fluffy and not shiny and light brown, but my growed up fur is harder and shiny and darker brown, like Uncle Bran's. Auntie Sarah said that I look like I'm wearing camouflage at the moment!

Auntie Sarah's favourite bit of the day was when we got home and me and Uncle Bran fell asleep and stayed like that for a very very long time!